We drove to Lyon the fourth day, spend a night at his friend's flat, Soumia. I was sleeping whole day time, so we arrived Lyon around 6pm, and had only 2 hours tour in the city, the third big city in France. Almost everything closed except restaurants, so we just walked around, the basilica Notre-Dame de Fourvière, Statue of Louis XIV at Bellecour, medieval Cathédrale St-Jean. After short city tour we found a cute, small restaurant to have dinner, 9 mercier, they have a name "bouchon" for Lyonaise restaurant. We got home around 11pm, we talked (well.... actually they talked, because they are so bad in English), watched TV, smoked until 3am then we went to bed.

The next day, we drove to Grenoble, a small airport that you have to walk to the plane on the ground by yourself. I was stopped to get through the airplane for like 20 minutes, Manu standing 5 feets away from me and tried to listen from them what's my situation. After I released(I would say that), Manu told me that the customs never saw Asian passport flying out from their airport, so they were not sure that I can be on the plane...... how ridiculous resaon not letting me get through.... 

Anyway.... we flied out France and arrived Netherlands, fast and cheap(at least two times cheaper than I took trains from Amsterdam back to St Etienne), but I would not try it again, it's really easier to take trains than planes. Since we arrived Rotterdam, something happened that kept me laughing stealthily. 5 french needed a Taiwanese girl to speak out for them in English, because as I said before, their English are damned suck, I was the one who asked for direction, asked for information, checked in at the hotel and fought for the extra fee they charged us. But they were pretty good while we were at bars and coffee shops... weird. 

In addition, all they wanted to do at this trip in Amsterdam were drinking and smoking and nothing else. So we were only hanging around bars, coffee shops, bars and coffee shops until the time we heading to a big square that we did the countdown of 2008 with everyone. After that, we searched for bars or coffee shops to stay for awhile, but not successfully, because everywhere was packed, therefore, we walked on the streets for like 2 hours, the temperature was under 0 degree, fucking cold.... However, they did not give it up and keep walking till the time around 5am, we had to take the train back to Rotterdam, because they gotta fly back to France at 10am. 

What an extraordinary experience I had with these five french guys....

Thank goodness, I am smart that I booked the hostels in Amsterdam for two more days, so I had a chance to see the other side of Amsterdam. It is a pretty city, I would say, and it's not really just about sex and drugs, it has lots of museums(Van gogh museum and Rijksmuseum, the National Art museum with lots Rembrandt's paintings in it and more), and the architecture are excellent, and the canals and bridges are splendid.

After the 5 french left me, I was all alone for the rest of my trip, but I met a Taiwanese girl in the hostel in Amsterdam and hung out with her for a night at two bars, then we split the day after and she took a bus to Paris, where we planned to meet for an afternoon and I off to Belgium by train.

see the photos in Amsterdam 
and Rotterdam

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