目前分類:旅遊札記 (29)

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在金邊的第二天走了一整天,經過無數個傳統市場,看到他們不乾淨的那一面(炙熱的中午➕生肉活魚腥味➕辣椒味➕尿騷味➕垃圾味),被超過上百人搭訕(tuk tuk),終於在絕望的回家路上用地址找到了我今天預計要去的餐廳!坐在可以刷卡的餐廳吃飯真是太棒了!没有魚腥辣烤等怪味在四周,沒有人用手抓開胃菜直接裝盤,没有人用二手回收筷,不用擔心他們會刻意少找你錢,我也不用擔心現金不夠不敢亂點;而這家餐廳成立的目的是在幫助街童及邊緣化的年輕人,所以吃的多點的多的同時也幫助當地社區,重點是它還頗好吃的!很厲害的素食漢堡跟草莓冰沙~且它離我住在地方走路才10分鐘,我應該明天會再來噢!


PS, 看完傳統市場再回想我昨天(第一天就敢吃路邊攤)的好膽量,幸好沒吃生菜!不過我的胃真的太健康嗎?還是已被台灣的黑心食品訓練的很好?!




旅館附近的小吃店,我在金邊的第一餐,點個麵跟一杯飲料,11,000柬幣,我用美金10元(4,000:1)付,他應該找回我29,000柬幣,但他只給我19,000柬幣(把我當笨蛋嗄?),我腦中轉了一下就跟對方說這金額不對吧,他看了我幾秒後...... 就又給了我一張10,000柬幣(他應該懊惱想說這個女子不好騙),好險我有先算過,畢竟是第一次在柬國花錢(但其實10,000柬幣只合台幣80元,但還是不能這樣騙觀光客的錢啊,你說是不是?!)


我說:那不了 (心想好貴,正轉身離開)
我...... (當場三條線直接轉身離開)!



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話說我又搭上巴士前往下一站(14小時),途中巴士在某城市(El Bolson)停車接其他旅客,我因為對該城特別好奇,於是下車探探。沒想到轉個彎,看到一家甜點店,就進去瞧了瞧,看到可口的蛋糕我....... 心~動~了~,當下準備要買但櫃員卻要我去排外帶的那區。
















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Goodbye moms and kids that I've been working with at HOOP for the past three months at Flora Tristan, Arequipa. It was really a great experience that I "have never had" in my life and for sure I ll remember you all and miss you already.... (Sorry for the emotion broke down this afternoon.( ; _ ; )/~~~)





謝謝Flora Tristan 的媽媽及小朋友們,你們真的讓我心靈收穫滿滿滿!

















去過終年不下雨的沙漠省份Ica,也是鼎鼎有名Nasca Line的所在地,缺水缺物資的城市在秘魯處處可聽到,但是看到的居民卻是夭壽樂天的一群人~

"",就夠了~如果有很多,那就是多餘、就是奢侈~ 我想這是秘魯人民的特性!




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4天走馬丘比丘的印加古道都還沒時間po文秀漂亮的風景照,這週末又去了個超酷的兩天一夜健行,活火山Misti, 海拔5,822公尺高~







我們從3,415m 開始入山,走了約5小時,晚上紮營地點在4,600m 高,這營地的景超美,可以看到日落、雲海及Arequipa 的夜景!




隔天凌晨130起床,再加上隔壁的帳篷內有人因為高山症而整晚吐不停(所以根本整晚睡不著),吃完早餐後就邁向Misti 的山頂前進。由於山路超級難走,又是直接從4,600m 走上5,822m, 幾乎200m就要走上一小時,還要適應海拔增加會有呼吸困難或其它症狀,途中我們就一直在減少同伴,直到6-7個小時過後,我們總共有3個人登上山頂喲!!














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1. 太陽多炙熱,要多少有多少! 還加二十倍贈送,真的!

2. 計程車爆多,滿街跑的車基本上都是它們,據說有幾千輛在這小城跑跳

3. 水果種類多,號稱「水果王國」的台灣終於可以卸下這重擔了(呼~扛的好累!終於擺脫了~)!真的不蓋你,我每天都可以喝到不同的新鮮果汁,看到沒見過的怪怪水果,絕對超過60種以上!

4. Chifa 餐廳多,這裡秘魯中國餐廳多到個不像樣,隨便走在一條街上10分鐘,可以看到20家 chifa (吃飯),完全是直譯中文“吃飯”,當地人進餐廳就是點“炒飯”,真的完全不會點別的來吃說!-_- #

5. 最後卻不是不重要的“多”~ 就是食物及地理高度讓人排氣多!(Oooops 洩露太多秘密囉~)




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中午吃了超棒的生日午餐,謝謝Wendy 及Nikky。在這兒只有台灣志工才懂得花錢在美食上,其他國家的志工們都是大學生或剛畢業,個個比誰省的大。我來的第一個月跟他們每天吃自煮的pasta或是某家餐廳的三明治(因為衛生問題,他們大都不敢嚐試當地食物),害我現在聽到這兩樣食物就抖~






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巴士途中播放了我從未看過的「葉問1」及「葉問2」之西文版配音,讓我覺得才剛開始的跨國之旅已經有了超級怪異的異國風情~ 沿途中的風景大部份是沙漠及火山地型,經過了大概2000個彎路後,我到了膚色白一點,街道大一點,沙灘無限長的智利最北邊城市Arica。

週日很輕鬆的去城市制高點看風景及到沙灘踩踩浪花曬曬肥肉,到秘魯40天後,這是我最放鬆的週末~還真不想回到馬不停蹄週一到週五的志工生活呢~ (大聲吶喊!!)


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在距離秘魯第二大城Arequipa約45分鐘車程的北方,有一個社區叫Flora Tristan,這裡住了250戶低收入戶家庭。大部分的爸爸們都在礦場工作,常年不在家,只剩媽媽們做做手工賺些微薄的錢支撐整個家庭。整個社區位於沙漠區終年乾燥且鄰近兩座火山,多數房子是棚寮,只有少數是磚房。外在環境不良加上家庭無法負擔電費,且氣候乾燥時常缺水,所以居民們健康時有堪慮,孩子們也沒有機會受到良好的教育。

一群有愛心的志工於2012年創立HOOP Perú,讓世界各地的志工可以到這擁有獨特地型及氣候的城市近郊,替這社區的孩子們及媽媽們提供英文教學並時常舉辦募款活動幫助改善他們的健康及教育狀況!官網請看:http://www.hoopperu.org/index.php。


我知道住在台灣的你/妳可能沒有機會到南美洲來玩,更不可能到Flora Tristan 看到這群純真的孩子,只因為跟他們玩轉圈圈而聽到天堂般的笑聲。如果你/妳願意贊助HOOP Perú台幣500元或以上,我可以從這地球的另一端寄出一張當地特色明信片給你/妳,卡片上或許會有孩子的塗鴉驚喜!500元對台灣人來說可能只是一餐的飯錢,對Flora Tristan的居民來說,卻可能是一家人一週的吃飯錢....

500元新台幣扣除郵資約100元,轉帳手續費用約5-10%,外加購買明信片的費用約20-50元,不算我花時間寫卡片的人工費用,實際上進到HOOP 的帳號也所剩不多,希望大家諒解我要求最低金額的門檻~


1. 請用下面的link匯款, 先註冊PayPal 帳號(我知道很討厭,但花個3分鐘就好)https://www.paypal.com/pe/webapps/mpp/home,之後去到send payment, 對象請填 volunteer@hoopperu.org, 再填上要捐款的金額

2. 將匯款收據照相後私訊給我並附上你/妳家的地址,郵遞區號及收件人

3. 我會在12月前將明信片寄到愛心人士你/妳提供的地址,愛心捐款完成!


PS. 我們也即將推出HOOP聖誕節卡片及HOOP T-shirt! 敬請期待唷~


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7件上衣,3件長褲,1件毛衣,4件外套及三雙鞋要陪伴我渡過至少4個月,對注重搭配穿著的我實在是個極大的挑戰吖~ 目前挑戰成功一個半月!(不過換個角度看,是要多少件衣服才夠?我可以一週每天都有不同衣服穿,醬就夠了不是嘛?)

話說在秘魯已經兩週半了,除了鼻子不斷流鼻水甚至到流血(因為身處2,335公尺高海拔地區及超乾燥氣候),兩週後終於平息下來;右眼球上週血管破裂,造成嚇人的紅眼維持一週;為了刮腳毛把皮削了一塊下來(因為買了當地便宜貨,折合台幣10元),還以為自己的腳變白了;及志工們為了省錢,常常煮pasta 或漢堡當做晚餐外(餐後我都獎勵自己當地蛋糕及餅乾),我的外地生活還算正常!


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好久沒有自己的時間可以寫點東西或看書了,來Hoop 已經整整一週,幾乎每天的所有時間都跟志工們一起行動。


下午2點一起坐45分鐘巴士去位於Arequipa北方的Flora Tristan學校,那區只有沙漠跟礦坑,熱到我以為我置身沙漠地帶,陪小鬼從3點半上英文課兼玩樂到5點半(真的很累人)。


每週三有Quiz Night, 是要幫孩子募款的活動日,我們要想出50個問題在一家酒吧跟旅客玩遊戲並伸手要錢,參與遊戲的每人5 Soles,折合台幣50元,贏得團隊每人有free shots可以喝,這麼好玩的夜晚且有意義,還是會有人不賞臉(就算不玩,也可以捐錢吖,真沒愛心)。

每週五有孩子的媽幫我們準備當地的午餐,我們一個人付10 Soles給孩子的媽, 也算是給那家庭另一種贊助捐款。

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In a city where I m going to start something new. Not exactly a new life but with a heart that aiming something good for others instead of for myself.

While I could handle things well, not care much about the quality at all... Life is just need to go through.


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Very good sayings that I saw in John Gallery at Chiang Mai, Thailand.... 

just wanted to share~~


"Do what you love best, the universe will take care of the rest."

"Don't just say maybe."

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about dancing in the rain."

"The past is history, the future is a mystery. Now is a gift which is why it's called the present."

"Be original, be yourself, become unbreakable."

"Can't get lost if you don't care where you are!"

"Don't stare up the steps, step up the stairs."

"Life is like the train ride, it's not important how long the trip goes, it's important where u get off."

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breaths away."

"Friends are like stars... Just because you can't always see them doesn't mean they aren't there."

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*** 沙灘 / 陽光 / 事故 / 男同志
去了兩次Fire Island,經歷都非常特別
 - Kismet Beach:同行13 人, 約有5 人玩水玩到一起被救生員救起,嚇到整個海灘清空約莫半小時,朋友有劫後餘生的念頭出現
- Pine Beach:是個同志專用沙灘,去的那週剛好是個同志趴週末..... 整個沙灘的男人們都正到一個不行,但他們卻對女人一點興趣都沒有 orz

 - Sandy Hook:位於紐澤西國家公園小島,因為天氣不佳,剛抵達未走到沙灘就被大規模人群撤離沙灘而嚇到,只好趕緊躲避雷雨+ 閃電,後來也只有把握到10 分鐘的時間躺在沙灘上(還沒太陽露臉勒),剩下的時間都在廁所裡打牌躲雨及等公車來接我們坐渡輪回曼哈頓 (同一天的同一沙灘,有人被閃電打到而當場身亡.....)

 - Jones Beach:跟老闆請假一天到長島上的沙灘曬太陽外加玩Skimboarding,倒是我唯一一次曬到超級超級古銅色,躺在幟熱的陽光下有感而發的寄出下面一段簡訊給在辛苦上班的朋友們:
Going to beach: $15.00
Suncare lotion: $45.00
Get tanned in the weekdays: priceless

PS, 有個星期日午後,因為早起不成,沒趕到去沙灘的那一ㄊㄨㄚ,只好招朋友陪我去中央公園穿泳衣躺在海灘巾上作日光浴,也不無小補

*** 餐廳週大吃
紐約夏天的餐廳週在7月底,恰巧老闆渡假去,我也就非常順理成章的跟朋友們約中午吃飯,一吃就花掉至少2小時,星期五更扯,中午吃完飯後,直接下班去逛街或逛博物館 .... 好些個舒服的夏日午後ㄚ

*** 踏出紐約市
露營:在8月份終於順利的到紐約上州露營,雖然是在朋友的朋友家,有3隻小馬,幾甲草地,後院有溪流(去溪邊釣魚還被鄰居家的三隻惡狗狂吠約一小時),前門是玉米田,烤肉烤菲力牛排....也沒真的睡在帳篷裡 (女生睡在朋友的朋友舒適家中,男生4 人窩在寒冷的帳蓬中)... 但還是稍微有那麼一點點點露營的味道

釣螃蟹:在夏天結尾前,9月的第一個週末,去長島 Smith Point,試試看能不能打破朋友去年釣了100隻藍螃蟹的紀錄,哪知前一天剛好暴風雨,河流湍急,螃蟹沒來得及吃我們特製的臭味雞腿,就匆匆游過,錯失上餌機會,所以總計釣到藍螃蟹隻數:9。最後一行9人決定去大嗑牛排來補充浪費一下午站在河流中跟臭雞腿共同奮鬥的精力。

瀑布行:去了一趟尼加拉瓜瀑布,詳細內容請詳閱 " 水牛城雞翅"


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因為我是租車人,雖然國際駕照過期,行程三天還都是由我來開車。上車四人坐定後,我瞧瞧車內狀況,一年多未開車的陌生感果真還是陌生到不行,就問了同行人一個問題"N檔是啥?D檔是啥?"當下其餘三人都想破窗而出。。。。。。。。   就在三人還處在吃驚的狀態下,我woohoo 聲不停的開車上路,開始我們的旅程...

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I did not plan to go to Paris at all in this trip, or I can say I did not plan anything... haha, and not even think of it. But I met a Taiwanese girl in Amsterdam, and she went to Paris directly afterward, so I think it might be good to have an accompany to walk around for couple hours since Paris was on the way back to St Etienne. Therefore, I bought the train ticket from Brussels to Paris on the 5th, the day before I left Europe, and the ticket cost me 82.00€, so expensive... but it took only an hour and 20 minutes.

At 11:35am, the 5th of January, 2008, I arrived Paris. Since last time I've been here was 10 years ago, the year of 1998. Not too excited, because I was in a hurry to buy the ticket back to St Etienne later on so that I know when to come back to the station and I had to meet the girl at noon at the Place de la Bastille, so I don't really have time walking around. After brought the ticket, I had to take the train to another station, because that's the one I need to take back to Lyon and St Etienne. 

However, I realized the Paris main train station was fucking huge, I walked inside the station at least 30 minutes to find my train and got in line to buy a ticket to the next destination, Nevertheless, I need to put my package to the locker, and I spent like an hour to find it with my strained feet. I kept swearing inside of my heart, by the time I almost gave it up, I found it, and I had to walk through the security for putting my bag into a locker. I was so nervous when my bag under the X-ray, because I got the weeds that left from Manu in Amsterdam, and I took them with me all the trip. 

I got lucky that they did not find out anything, but the worst thing happened. I only had 50.00€ in my wallet and no coins. It only needs 4 euros for the locker. I was trying to put the bag inside and not lock it for couple hours, cause I will be leaving soon after 5 hours and there was nothing important for thief to steal. Somehow, I felt that I would be feeling unsafety during the whole afternoon, so I walked out to buy a chocolate croissant at a station stand. She looked at me with the 50.00 as if it was fake, but I had no choice to buy a 1.50€ croissant with 50.00€. 

Anyhow, when I finally arrived the destination, Eve already gone..... of course, it was 1:30pm already, no one would wait for that long, and I was just a girl that she met two days ago. I still texted her and stayed for like 10 minutes. The amazing thing happened, she showed up before I gave up upon her appearance and she walked me to anywhere with my lame feet until I had to get back to the station and back to St Etienne to end the trip. 

Who gives it a shit of "LV", see my little finger

I walked to Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Arc de Triomphe, Gare de Lyon, Bastille, Opéra de la Bastille, and Hôtel de Ville and more that I had no idea what was that.....

Even though it was only 3 hours walking around in Paris, because we spent a half hour sitting at Paul, a nice bakery restaurant, taking some rest for my feet, it was still worth even weaken my feet. After I arrived at Manu's, my right foot was swollon and all reddish.... 

La Champagne crêpes et chocolat chaud à Paul

more photos go to: http://www.pixnet.net/album/nicoleyu1/13405116

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I became totally alone while I was in Belgium for two days. My feet started hurting me while I walk and getting worse and worse since I only wore one boots for my 12 days trip.

I took the train to Brugge and transferred at Antwerp, during the 15 minutes waiting, I ran out off the station, took some photos and then rushed back to train station, arrived Brugge around 3pm. It was mixed rain and snow that afternoon, I did not plan to spend a night in Brugge so I just walked quickly around the city, tried to see the whole town in one afternoon. It was packed in the shopping streets, because they had discount in every store, unfortunately, I had no time for shopping. 

It is absolutely the prettiest city that I've been to during the trip. It was tiny, yet has everything in the centrum, the river goes through, the architecture, the stores, the coffee shops (the real one unlike in Amsterdam), the restaurants.... I like it very much, althought I only stayed there for three hours, but it was quite enough. The only thing I regret was not having time to dine at one of the resturants here...


On the train to Brussels, a father with three kids seated across me, the two little kids were so cute, around 3-5 yo, they played or fought or cried during the whole time, not a moment quiet down. 
While I wondered which stop was mine that's near my hostel, a gentleman seated opposite me gave me advises and even showed me the way after we got off the train. He is a policeman, a high level like detective, not the one that needs to chase bad guys. After I checked in the hostel, Young Hostel of Van Gogh, my feet tried so hard telling me not to walk anymore, but I was unwillingly since I will only have one whole day tomorrow to visit the city, I did not think it's enough for the capital of Belgium. So I walked out, no direction, no specific sightsee that I needed to see.

But I would say that night out was a mistake, it gave me a bad impression of Brussels. It was a fucking cold day, nobody on the streets, I was hungry and can't find a restaurant that I felt comfortable to dine by myself. As I walked in one restaurant with lots of people in it after 2 hours, the lead 偷笑 at me, I had no idea why, but felt totally uncomfortable during the whole meal time. They don't have English menu, they speak only French, the clients were all look like gays... I did not know as if I walked in the wrong restaurant or what, but I did not care, cus I was so hungry, so I stayed and for as long as I can to rest my feet.

After I walked back to the hostel, I stayed at the bar for a while, chatted to a guy from British until midnight. I tried to get some sleep, but somehow, I can't open the door of my room. I was walking back and forth with the man from the hostel trying to open the door for me, but he realized that he did not have the key and he is newbie and he had no idea what to do... After two hours, I was tired of everything and fell asleep on a sofa at the bar, he woke me up said he knocked the window and asked one of my roommate to open the door.... I got in at 2:30am and then slept through till noon the next day.

Since I had a bad experience the day before, and my feet hurt so much, so I did not care where will I go the next day, just need to go to the biggest museum and see the manekin pis, that's all I need to see in Brussels.... and I did. I spent the whole afternoon walked around the Royal district and the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, then back to centrum tried to take picture of Manekin pis. Somehow, after asked a couple of locals there, I walked into the same street that I walked last night and I remembered I stopped at the corner checking a restaurant over there. At that same corner, tourists surrounded, I knew that's the spot then I saw the manekin pis.... $%^&* $@          

teeny tiny "manekin pis" just at that corner..... 
Did you see the statue? It is in the middle of the photo, which is between bushes....

I walked around the city for couple more hours, I went to bookstore and bought a children book, in French of course, and couple of postcards with Nicolas and TinTin, because I love postcards and those are the famous characters in Belgium. I found the Chinatown, which you will always see that area unexpectedly, because its always around the centrum. Then I was hungry again, I only had a waffle from street van the whole day. I tried to walked back to the area that full of restaurants for tourists and have some mussels, then I would say the trip to Brussels will be no regrets at all.

When I found the street restaurants, it had passed like an hour since I started feel hungry. They have server outside the restaurants and try to get clients in, so they are so good to talk people in with free champagne, and served whatever we like. I was almost steped into a restaurant of what they said, but suddenly I saw the restaurant was nearly empty, I knew it's not right to get in. Therefore, I walked into a restaurant which was no one outside buy inside was packed. I told them I was one, waited like 5 minutes, then I got a table.

The dinner was quite interesting because the people sitting next to me. For the first two hours, I was taught by a local lady what to order, what kind of beer to go with mussels, how to eat mussels with mussel shell and talked once in awhile during the dinner time.... She told me I made a good choice to come to this restaurant, because this is the only traditional Belgium restaurant on this street, the rest of them are owned by Moroccan. She was delightful, friendly and funny while talking to me and her friend, who is from San Francisco; unlike the bad experience I encountered the day before. 

Nice lady who speaks not only French but also good English... Thanks to you!!

Look what I ordered at the restaurant, totally 老饕水準... and the white beer, excellent!!

After she and her friend left, there was an old lady seated next to me. She kept talking to me in French for awhile, then I realized she really wanted to talk, so I told her I can't speak French, however, a three hour long conversation started until the restaurant closed. My server, he is quite cute tho, kept asking me "are you ok?" seems that he felt I was bothered by the lady.... but actually, I had a pleasant night by just listening to her story for three hours...... lol

That's the British lady, we were the last two customers in the restaurant... 

At the end, she took me to the hostel by taxi at midnight... incredible~~

I love the second day in Brussels, because I met two nice ladies and went to a good restaurant and got what I need to see and to eat over there, only not having a chance to meet up with Nicolas.....

photos: http://www.pixnet.net/album/nicoleyu1/13405141

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We drove to Lyon the fourth day, spend a night at his friend's flat, Soumia. I was sleeping whole day time, so we arrived Lyon around 6pm, and had only 2 hours tour in the city, the third big city in France. Almost everything closed except restaurants, so we just walked around, the basilica Notre-Dame de Fourvière, Statue of Louis XIV at Bellecour, medieval Cathédrale St-Jean. After short city tour we found a cute, small restaurant to have dinner, 9 mercier, they have a name "bouchon" for Lyonaise restaurant. We got home around 11pm, we talked (well.... actually they talked, because they are so bad in English), watched TV, smoked until 3am then we went to bed.

The next day, we drove to Grenoble, a small airport that you have to walk to the plane on the ground by yourself. I was stopped to get through the airplane for like 20 minutes, Manu standing 5 feets away from me and tried to listen from them what's my situation. After I released(I would say that), Manu told me that the customs never saw Asian passport flying out from their airport, so they were not sure that I can be on the plane...... how ridiculous resaon not letting me get through.... 

Anyway.... we flied out France and arrived Netherlands, fast and cheap(at least two times cheaper than I took trains from Amsterdam back to St Etienne), but I would not try it again, it's really easier to take trains than planes. Since we arrived Rotterdam, something happened that kept me laughing stealthily. 5 french needed a Taiwanese girl to speak out for them in English, because as I said before, their English are damned suck, I was the one who asked for direction, asked for information, checked in at the hotel and fought for the extra fee they charged us. But they were pretty good while we were at bars and coffee shops... weird. 

In addition, all they wanted to do at this trip in Amsterdam were drinking and smoking and nothing else. So we were only hanging around bars, coffee shops, bars and coffee shops until the time we heading to a big square that we did the countdown of 2008 with everyone. After that, we searched for bars or coffee shops to stay for awhile, but not successfully, because everywhere was packed, therefore, we walked on the streets for like 2 hours, the temperature was under 0 degree, fucking cold.... However, they did not give it up and keep walking till the time around 5am, we had to take the train back to Rotterdam, because they gotta fly back to France at 10am. 

What an extraordinary experience I had with these five french guys....

Thank goodness, I am smart that I booked the hostels in Amsterdam for two more days, so I had a chance to see the other side of Amsterdam. It is a pretty city, I would say, and it's not really just about sex and drugs, it has lots of museums(Van gogh museum and Rijksmuseum, the National Art museum with lots Rembrandt's paintings in it and more), and the architecture are excellent, and the canals and bridges are splendid.

After the 5 french left me, I was all alone for the rest of my trip, but I met a Taiwanese girl in the hostel in Amsterdam and hung out with her for a night at two bars, then we split the day after and she took a bus to Paris, where we planned to meet for an afternoon and I off to Belgium by train.

see the photos in Amsterdam http://www.pixnet.net/album/nicoleyu1/13405166 
and Rotterdam http://www.pixnet.net/album/nicoleyu1/13407424

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I am back to New York from the trip in France, Netherlands and Belgium...

It was a totally different trip than the last time in Europe three months ago.  I had fun at both trips, but in totally opposite way.

I flied to Lyon at the night of 25th, Christmas, after a warmth and happy X'mas eve at Stephany's new home in Williamsburg.
After 8 hours flight and 4 hours waiting in London Heathrow airport, I arrived at 18:00 on the 26th in Lyon, France. 5 minutes to get through the customs, asking about the reason to go there; unlike other people used only 3 seconds to get into France.

Anyway, as I walked out the customs, Manu was waiting there, drove more than an hour to pick me up at Lyon airport. Then we drove back to his hometown, Saint Etienne, a city that located in the middle of mountain. At first, we were kind of awkward, because we met like a year ago, and only talked on MSN once in a while. But his English is getting so much better than the last time we met in NY, I was shocked but happy for him. After we arrived home sweet home, he served Foie Gras, a super huge portion that I never saw it in somewhere else. He showed me whatelse to go with FG with the best white wine. Afterward, his friends came over, 4 boys, we drank, chatted, smoked... till the night to the end. I went to bed directly after the long journey from NY to St. Etienne, France.

I slept through most of the mornings in St. Etienne for three days, as if I was taking day off at home. But since I did not plan out anything for this trip, I would like to just follow the winds, do whatever I feel like to do. Not in a hurry to some place to visit... 

After Manu got back from work around 2pm, he took me out to do some sight seeing in St. Etienne, the mountain city, the origin of Loire. He invited friends to go to a bar with 14 people, but two girls only, we drank shots a lot, some handsome guy talked to me.  He cooked dinner for me or had dinner with his family, 16 people at a table, that's a big crazy, isn't it !! The family dinner was amazing, three families at the same table: la soupe aux choux, pork, sausage, bread for entrée, then cheese, chocolate, cake and fruit with coffee and tea for the desserts till the end, lots of talking, chatting and eating from 7:30pm till 11:30pm, after a wonderful meal, we called it a night!!

The interesting thing was when you meet new people in a day, you have to greet everyone on the cheeks twice at the same table no matter you know each other or not and also the time when you leaving; so I was been greeting for three days everytime I met and left his friends and family. So I greeted 5 people the first day, 15 people the second day, 16 people the third day for twice..... funnnn

photos in St Etienne: http://www.pixnet.net/album/nicoleyu1/13407461

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