7件上衣,3件長褲,1件毛衣,4件外套及三雙鞋要陪伴我渡過至少4個月,對注重搭配穿著的我實在是個極大的挑戰吖~ 目前挑戰成功一個半月!(不過換個角度看,是要多少件衣服才夠?我可以一週每天都有不同衣服穿,醬就夠了不是嘛?)

話說在秘魯已經兩週半了,除了鼻子不斷流鼻水甚至到流血(因為身處2,335公尺高海拔地區及超乾燥氣候),兩週後終於平息下來;右眼球上週血管破裂,造成嚇人的紅眼維持一週;為了刮腳毛把皮削了一塊下來(因為買了當地便宜貨,折合台幣10元),還以為自己的腳變白了;及志工們為了省錢,常常煮pasta 或漢堡當做晚餐外(餐後我都獎勵自己當地蛋糕及餅乾),我的外地生活還算正常!


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好久沒有自己的時間可以寫點東西或看書了,來Hoop 已經整整一週,幾乎每天的所有時間都跟志工們一起行動。


下午2點一起坐45分鐘巴士去位於Arequipa北方的Flora Tristan學校,那區只有沙漠跟礦坑,熱到我以為我置身沙漠地帶,陪小鬼從3點半上英文課兼玩樂到5點半(真的很累人)。


每週三有Quiz Night, 是要幫孩子募款的活動日,我們要想出50個問題在一家酒吧跟旅客玩遊戲並伸手要錢,參與遊戲的每人5 Soles,折合台幣50元,贏得團隊每人有free shots可以喝,這麼好玩的夜晚且有意義,還是會有人不賞臉(就算不玩,也可以捐錢吖,真沒愛心)。

每週五有孩子的媽幫我們準備當地的午餐,我們一個人付10 Soles給孩子的媽, 也算是給那家庭另一種贊助捐款。

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In a city where I m going to start something new. Not exactly a new life but with a heart that aiming something good for others instead of for myself.

While I could handle things well, not care much about the quality at all... Life is just need to go through.


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沒跟回來的泰山 vs 即將碰面的黑武士 vs 未來的海灘男孩

究竟是有什麼關係? 會搽出什麼樣的火花?


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Very good sayings that I saw in John Gallery at Chiang Mai, Thailand.... 

just wanted to share~~


"Do what you love best, the universe will take care of the rest."

"Don't just say maybe."

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about dancing in the rain."

"The past is history, the future is a mystery. Now is a gift which is why it's called the present."

"Be original, be yourself, become unbreakable."

"Can't get lost if you don't care where you are!"

"Don't stare up the steps, step up the stairs."

"Life is like the train ride, it's not important how long the trip goes, it's important where u get off."

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breaths away."

"Friends are like stars... Just because you can't always see them doesn't mean they aren't there."

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"If you don't make your everyday life a little bit different from yesterday, you might just live in the past!"  -- Nicole Yu

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Today I finally met the famous product that is made from Taiwan....

It's .... Mommy's boy~~~ tah da!!!

So incredible to say this, but he is 190cm tall guy, with kinda nice social skill, that means he is talkative, and what he said was ... Well... Presentable....in a way. But made the conversation with "my mommy" in like every two sentences. At first I just thought that ok... He might have a good relationship with his mom, unlike me, but there were too many "mommy" from him, sorta reminds me of the term "mommy's boy". I never know what it really stands for, but in that very second, I understand it perfectly, here is the example right in front of me.  When I told him what I feel, he ain't deny nor try to explain, cus he kinda admit it that he is one. So I guess I wasn't the first one who told him that, and he can't change it, cus that's what he made of and where he came from from his past, his mommy makes all the decisions for him that he has no way to reject but accept them all. Not sure if it's the mom to blame, that she is in such strong power and will to protect her kid from everything, nor the boy to blame cus he has a weak mind that didn't know what to go after or what he really wants.

So here is to moms..... Pls let ur kids, no matter boys or girls, have their own thinkings, dreams, opinions and whatever. They are ur kids, but they are not YOU, don't make them to be like you! They have their own destiny, their own life and goals and let them live their own way!! Please....

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  • Dec 18 Wed 2013 13:35
  • a poem

A guy wrote me this when he knows my name.... how interesting~


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Think outside of the box, create your own path in life.

“You laugh at me because I am different; I laugh because you are all the same.”
~ Daniel Knode

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